Feb 25, 2022
My next Anything but Average Coach Mastermind interview series guest is Kacey Kingry. Kacey is a life coach and yoga teacher who helps people break through cycles that prevent them from living whole. She’s been on a journey of taking an embodied approach to personal transformation, and she’s here to share her story.
A yoga teacher with over 20 years of experience under her belt, Kacey has always been in the business of participating in her own transformation, as well as inviting others into their own. She’s now bringing an element of spirituality alongside her coaching, and she’s sharing how the mastermind allowed her glimmers of a dream business to come to life.
Tune in this week to discover how the ABA Coach Mastermind completely flipped the script of Kacey’s business. She went from heavily discounting her offers to building deep belief behind the value of her offers and experiencing the life and business of her dreams, and she’s letting us into what is possible when you devote yourself to this work.
The next round of the Anything but Average Coach Mastermind is open for the spring of 2022 class! There are only 20 spots available and applications close on March 6th at 11:59 Eastern time, so jump on it!