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The Life Coach Hotline

Jan 26, 2022

Our ability to feel negative emotions is one of our greatest assets in creating the business and life we want. Listen in this week as I’m showing you how to know when to feel them versus when to coach through them, why resisting or avoiding them will keep you stuck, and how to use negative emotions to...

Jan 19, 2022

This week, I offer 4 things that have helped me approach failure differently. I’m showing you why we have to integrate and utilize failure, and how changing your relationship with failure will in turn change your relationship with success and make all of your dreams inevitable.


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Jan 12, 2022

This week, I share the 5 guidelines and rules I follow to manage my time at the highest level possible. Getting uncomfortable and exploring what works is going to be part and parcel of this process, but I promise, you won’t regret it on the other side when you’re spending your time doing what you truly love.



Jan 5, 2022

Listen in this week as I offer the process I use and teach for making any decision. Whether you’re deliberating on joining the program, launching your business, or a decision in your everyday life, you can apply this process to spend the year moving forward and creating the life you really want.


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