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The Life Coach Hotline

Nov 25, 2020

Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to enjoy the holidays, no matter what circumstances come your way. I’m sharing why now is the perfect time to do this work, and what you can do to try and enjoy the things that you might usually find annoying or even upsetting.

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Nov 18, 2020

Join me on the podcast this week to discover the difference between confidence and arrogance. I’m sharing why so many people are afraid of putting themselves and their achievements out there, why this is actually depriving the rest of the world, and what you can do to start embodying confidence by sharing your...

Nov 11, 2020

Listen in this week as I show you what it means to live in a cause and effect world, and how to start creating a different reality for yourself. Being a victim of your own life is keeping you stuck, and instead, you can learn to be in charge of every single result you truly want.

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Nov 4, 2020

Listen in this week to discover the biggest reasons we compare ourselves to others, and why these reasons are actually lies. You don’t have to whip yourself into action through comparison, and I’m offering a different way forward so you can create an Anything but Average life that you’re proud of.

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