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The Life Coach Hotline

Jun 26, 2019

Join me this week as I give you a new way to think about how to be brave. If your goal is just to keep taking the actions to get the result you want - whether you've been successful so far or not - the questions I'm leaving you with today will hopefully lead you down the path to creating bravery always.

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Jun 19, 2019

Listen in as I explore the idea of treating your money the way you envision treating it in the future when you're at your goal. I'm asking you a few questions to identify your money mindset, and hopefully, you'll be able to start seeing money as a way to create more space and possibility in your life!

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Jun 12, 2019

Join me this week as I share why we disconnect from our deeper purpose, and how you can overcome this cycle to take your life and business to where you want it to be. These questions I'm posing today are going to help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving forward!

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Jun 5, 2019

I had a realization a few days ago when I was looking at the tasks on my to-do list and just did not feel like it. I had the opportunity to think creatively about how to get it done, and that's what I'm sharing with you on the show today. Although you may feel a sense of accomplishment completing it, to-do lists...